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WellRead Kids April Selection: Every Heart Sings: A Children's Book by Patricia Piccinini

WellRead Kids April Selection: Every Heart Sings: A Children's Book by Patricia Piccinini

This month's kid’s book begins: "Nature is full of such wondrous creatures, all with unique and miraculous features." And that's precisely what this quirky and clever book is all about. Every Heart Sings was written by the artist Patricia Piccinini who loves exploring the amazing connections between humans and animals. Her sculptures of skywhales (imaginary creatures you will learn more about in the book) are floating through Australia right now, designed to make us smile and think.

Piccinini says: "I am interested in what it means to be alive in the present day. I hope to create a world somewhere between the one we know and one that is almost upon us, and to focus on the emotional lives of the new creatures that might emerge."

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