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WellRead Kids September Selection: The Tiny Explorers by Kat Macleod

WellRead Kids September Selection: The Tiny Explorers by Kat Macleod

This month's kid’s selection is for anyone who enjoys spending time in their garden or at the local park. Maybe they have a small verandah they like to play on, or a favourite tree-lined street they wander down. The book shows its readers that, no matter how tiny a space, if you use your imagination, you can still have big fun.

Repetition and use of prepositions to map the landscape help young readers follow the story, which invites explorers big and small to discover the beauty and wonder of nature from a different perspective.
Australian artist Kat Macleod was inspired by watching her children play in their home garden, discovering new flowers, unusual insects and an odd assortment of tiny ‘treasures’.

"After such a strange 2020, with so many months spent in lockdown and our children limited to playing in our small backyard, it shows that if you use your imagination, you can still have big fun in a tiny space," Kat says.

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