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WellRead Kids March Selection:Get Real, Mallory! by Daisy Hirst

WellRead Kids March Selection:Get Real, Mallory! by Daisy Hirst

This month's book for the kids is a magical story celebrating the power of a creative imagination. It's all about Nomi who loves drawing, though she’s often not sure how many legs to give a dog. One day she draws Mallory - a beautiful big scruffy dog with a special smile who becomes real. Yes, you read that right, real! Imaginative and playful, this gorgeous book asks the question: what if one of your drawings became real?

“With an inclusive cast, and some wonderful messages around art, imagination, and creative play, Get Real, Mallory! is picture book perfection." Centre for Literacy in Primary Education

Sign up today to receive it as your first selection or purchase as a one-off delivery. Each order comes with reading notes to spark conversation and imagination.

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